museArc TRIAL (last update 3-25-1997) The MPEG audio player for Windows 95 / Windows NT ================================================= ( The TRIAL version is limited to 1 minute of playback for each track! For the release version see end of this document ) New features: ------------- - Internet streaming (HTTP) support. Saving files possible during download - Online help. Press F1 in any dialog. - Many bug fixes. Features: --------- - Small, medium or large dialog settings available (double-click on museArc logo on main screen, or enter the museArc properties) - display of 4DOS file descriptions (DESCRIPT.ION files) - Context menus on main screen and in list editor (click right mouse button) - Context menu + text scroller if window is minimized - Task bar icon + task bar playback controls (on systems with task bar) - Buffer size selection (0.75 - 4.00 seconds) - museArc supports all MPEG 1/2 audio layer II and III audio streams including low sampling frequency streams. - Multiple track playback. - Editor for track lists - Full 'Drag and Drop'-support. - 1:2 and 1:4 downsampling support. - Three quality selections for playback available. - Three audio card control methods available: timer, device callback, thread loop. - Can be used like a CD-Player. You can select your favourite tracks, edit the playback order or use random playback and save the track- list for later use. - On a 100 MHz Pentium, museArc consumes 35-55% CPU time at full playback quality, so museArc can easily play music while you are working on other applications. (Note that the wide performance range results from the quality differences of certain system components [motherboard, sound card, hard disk ...] ) - Can be used as a helper application in your webbrowser. (See the documentation of your webbrowser on how to add a helper.) Future plans: ------------- - Webbrowser Plugin support for streaming playback. - Direct download support (URL) for audio files. Bug & questions etc.: --------------------- Please send any bug reports / suggestions to: (Remember to report the system components you are using!) Support: -------- For the latest version of museArc look at our homepage: If you want to register, fill out the following form: ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- museArc 4.4 Registration Order ----------------------------------------------------------------- To: codeArts GbR Am Hang 11 D-69231 Rauenberg Germany CONTACT ADDRESS: ---------------- Title/Company: ------------------------------------------------ Person/Dept.: ------------------------------------------------ Street Address: ------------------------------------------------ City ,Country: ------------------------------------------------ Phone: Fax: ---------------------- ----------------- Electronic Mail Address: --------------------------------------- If applicable EU-VAT No: ---------------------------------------- ORDER AND PAYMENT: ------------------ (Note: payment in US $ is only possible if you include cash or if you pay by bank transfer. All other payments must be in DM.) Number of private licenses : x DM 50,- / US $30 ------ commercial licenses : x DM 100,- / US $60 ------ Germans add 15% VAT (Mwst.): ------ Bank-expenses: -------------- [ ] EuroCheque (in DM) enclosed + DM 5,- [ ] send by "cash on delivery" (per Nachnahme) Germany: + DM 6,- / US $ 3 Europe: + DM 16,- / US $ 9 [ ] bank transfer (include paying-in receipt) inside Germany: + DM 0,- outside Germany: + DM 20,- / US $11 [ ] cash included + DM 0,- (can also use traveller’s cheques) DELIVERY: --------- Postage and package: -------------------- Deliver [ ] via e-mail + DM 0,- [ ] download from URL yourself + DM 0,- [ ] via parcel-post + DM 5,- / US $ 3 Charge-Total: --------------------- Date: Signature: ------------------ --------------------------- For our information: How did you learn about museArc? [ ] - via News/WWW [ ] - magazine ______________ [ ] - other How did you get your copy of museArc? [ ] - via ftp/WWW from server: _____________________________ [ ] - other --------------------------------------------------------------------